We NEED a simplified graphics option!
I've noticed even if I set my graphics to the lowest on pc everything still seems wayyy better than the default graphics for Oculus Quest 1. Shadows are sharper and more detailed and also seem to load in from a farther distance (they also seem to actively update with the game while on the Quest shadows seem to be calculated at one point then stay that way). Lighting is super super smooth which is especially noticeable with things like flashlights in games and just seems to be calculated more intricately in every way. Player models don't seem to become low-poly when far away either and objects don't become simplified or disappear when they are far away (this is especially noticeable in rooms like the ride of Jumbotron where almost the entire map is invisible for Quest.) Mirrors also seem to calculate light while they don't on Quest
Point is the Quest has all these optimizations and runs smoothly meanwhile my pc that can run VR is constantly lagging even on screen mode with no other processes running. Please consider making a "lowest" option that helps people with even worse computers than me run the game. Here is what I think would help:
General Rendering:
Grass should not be rendered (or at a high quality)
Should not have flag physics for games with the paintball flags
The option should not render shadows and lights in mirrors
It should make objects that are far away simplified or disappear
Players should actually become lower poly when they are away from you
It should make lights (especially spotlights) rougher and lower quality
Lighting in general should be rougher with not as much quality
Shadows should not be so detailed with grass like it is
Players should just have super simple shadows not the realistic ones
Shadows should not load in so far away, should be pretty low quality and should not constantly update with the game.
This could be combined with customizable settings, and we only have Low, Medium, and High. We should be able to set how low the quality of textures are while we can set how high the quality of the shadows are.
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I cant even run rec room in a window or at a smaller resolution
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