Voice Moderation System
AnsweredNew Rec Room players (most of them) don't know that there is a thing like teleporting. Maybe one of the salutions is to add the board what is in Paintball where is saying ,,VR players can teleport or walk...'' to the new player dorms when they join their dorm for the first 10-15 times, to all RRO or only to the PVP ones. About toxic players maybe it's posible to add Voice Moderation System where if they curse more than 3 times in couple of minutes, they are getting a warning, If they do it second time they are getting a Timeout or a Bann. My friend said that it may not work beacause of accents, for that then can be similiar thing but they get a warning and Rec Room sends message to moderators about that player.
Official comment
Thanks for the suggestions. Some interesting and doable ideas here for voice moderation.
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