Steam Achievements
Steam achievements are a must for Rec Room in my opinion.
I got this response in 2018 when I suggested them: "Hello! We're not using Achievements at the moment because the game is under rapid development and... well... we'd like break them all the time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We hope to have them one day when Rec Room is a little more done!"
By the looks of it things seem to be in a more stable position for achievements (I think?) so I'd love to see this addition. I got lots of buddies who feel the same way. My one request is that they don't involve any sort of excessive grinding, i.e. 5000 fistbumps or 100 laser tag wins, because that's much more grueling than fun. Put in some achievements that aren't too lengthy individually, but encourage interacting with a broad and wide variety of the game's interactions and content; if that's done right, then I think this game's achievement set would be golden. Thank you!
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