Animation Gizmo V2
CompletedAnimation Gizmo V2: Works the same as the animation gizmo V1 (Legacy). It would allow to add animations into your cv2 builds. Animation gizmos are very useful and important. If circuits (cv2) were created to be mainly used by players instead of cv1 (legacy), adding the animation gizmo v2 is a great idea. It would allow to do a lot more stuff with the animations. There are people specializing in it, so it would be cool to give animations more potential by adding them into cv2.
Official comment
This is tentatively planned, but won't be out for a good while.
Any news on this, it would be a VERY handy feature to have for room building.
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the fact this is still marked as "planned" even though it already came out shows how inactive this place is. Canny was way better than this
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