Subroom Loading Screens, Different Layouts, and Custom VR Loading Screens
So, you know how you can make your room loading screen all fancy and pretty looking? Yeah, it's pretty sick! But it's only one photo for the entire room... so, what if you could customize different loading screens for each subroom? It would serve as a nice transition from room to room, maybe even include small details about the specific subroom you're entering? I think that'd be pretty nice because it allows more creative aspects for rooms! Along with that, what if you could adjust the format and layout of the text on the loading screen. Want that subtitle on the bottom of the screen up top? Then move it there! But, why do all of this fancy-schmancy stuff if it's only exclusive to one platform, screenmode? Don't! Instead, make some loading screens for VR Players! Similarly to the log in screen, you could stand on a small platform in a empty space with a floating screen displaying the room info and loading screen.
That's all from me, lol.
Btw, I had mentioned the VR loading screens before, but I'm basically just adding onto it, lol.
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