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Ability to scroll down leaderboards



  • David Hall

    Nothing like seeing you are something like 250 on the board with 150 wins and then seeing the Champions tab and they are like 3560 wins. Sure would be nice to see where the line between "normal" players are and those that managed to do something to fill the top 10. Even if it is just a 'next'/'previous' 10 pagination it would be better than the current options. 

  • Eltigretom RR

    I would absolutely love to see this implemented into rec room. We need a big overhaul for the leaderboard. Like the multiple pages of people, like you press a button to go from the top ten (1-10) to something like (11-21). Also I would love to see 2 weeks leaderboard comeback, it could show who is actively playing the game which would be nice.(The photo below is a concept on what this could look like!)

  • Eltigretom RR

    Here is another concept image (Credit to Codythemythical for designing this)

  • Eltigretom RR

    If anyone needs more clarification on how this will work just let me know

  • Eltigretom RR

    By the why I don't know how far you would be allowed to scroll. (100, 1000?)


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