Halloween rec nights (Halloween horror nights)
Hello idk if anyone will read this but I forgot which year you did it on but, on Halloween, in the past you did a Halloween horror nights inspired them park, and I absolutely loved it. If you guys could do that again but maybe every Halloween you guys make a new horror maze for a new one or updated one or where you bring one back, PLEASE IM BEGGING I want it back so bad it was so good, also I’ve made a stranger things inspired one if anyone wants to see it just reply saying you would because I have great ideas and all I’m asking is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a Halloween rec room nights and only on October does it come out for everyone to enjoy and maybe their could be secrets where people find stuff idk for like skins or outfits but that’s all I’m asking is please and I can speak on behalf of all of horror loving fans out there we want a horror rec room nights please 🙏🥺😭
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