Having more controll on what we can do to the player, and what the player can do to the game
Since in rooms2 we can disable jumping and crouching, I think we should be able to make those actions do something in our rooms, so if the player tried to jump, it would do X instead of actually jumping
Let's go even further, being able to disable pointing and waving, (screen mode) if it isn't needed for our game, then we should be able to make those buttons do something The event (or chip) could say what the player wanted to do using integers (ex: 0 = jump, 1 = crouch, 2 = left wave, 3= right wave, 4 = left point, 5 = right point).
Being able to controll the player's hands and camera (controlling where the hand is, moving the hands around, where the player is looking, moving the camera around, *if* they can move the camera around, etc).
I think everything I just listed would be *very* usefull to a *lot* of creators
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