Everything alot of people wish to see
Limited Items: so first thing I want to say is the limited items I think it's almost fraud because you put on items for a specific event and then that exact same event come out come out with the exact same item but a different color and the event that I am talking about is the science Invasion we needed to buy a shovel that was about 15,000 tokens and we can only use that shovel for that first event came out which we had to buy another shovel but different color and we can only use that shovel for that event I think that that is very fraudulent because you brought out the exact same item twice and nothing change other than the color and it was for the exact same event and I think that that is very fraudulent because you're making people pay 15,000 tokens each for the exact same item just a different color and I personally think that if you were to do that then you should have at least came out with a different item and you also make people think that that item would only come out once and then it was gone but then it was in the rec center not too long ago for the exact same amount maybe just a little bit cheaper and the same thing goes for S you're bringing out these items that only work for that event alone and then you come out with the continuation of that event and we can no longer use what we brought before because now we have to buy something completely new or twice the amount and I think that it's very messed up and crazy because Rec Room was not like that before it was a affordable fun place to be and it is no longer like that and at this point A lot of people are thinking that you guys are becoming a cash grab type of game me personally I don't really have the problem with it's because I still personally buy those things but you should probably think about the people that cannot afford it people that actually come here just to play the game and want to have fun
RRO: so I love playing Rec Room Originals I play them every time I get online but unfortunately I think you guys can definitely be better when it comes to Rec Room Originals so my idea for rro is to either update it or make a continuous storyline Jumbotron for instance you defeat Jumbotron but what's after that maybe you can go to a different planet and have to fight the same robots all over again but what about if you add different robots you know make a bot that's new that does something different you know give us a surprise same thing with Isles of the Lost skull you're on that ship and you defeat ghost beard but what's after that how about we hop on that ship and we sail off to a different Island to defeat different enemies with different weapons that still connects with pirates you guys have to do something to make rec room more fun you said it in your update about the weekly challenges that only 0.2 people does it and I wonder why go back to rec room at the beginning and look at those numbers and then look at the numbers from now you guys know what you have to do but you're just not doing it people are contacting you about it but you're just not doing it
Weekly: the reasons why people are not doing the weekly challenges anymore is because of the fact you guys are giving us skins that we personally do not want we see no use for a mug skin yet you guys give it to us if you want to make people truly want to do the weekly give us a truly limited time outfit outfit that would never come out again or give us a skin that will never come out again a skin that is actually good in detail you guys give Us Weekly skins that cost about $ 2000 tokens and yet skins come out in the store and they're costing $8,000 tokens it's not making any sense give us something that people really want to grind for give us something that's new something that's creative don't give us the same thing that's on repeat every month give us something new something creative something that your team just came up with then people will start doing the weekly it's not about the rooms that we have to do it in it's because of the items themselves we do not want
Paintball: paintball is incredibly fun but we are very much tired of the exact same Maps they are not big enough they do not change yes they change when it's winter and you added snow but it does not truly change we want different Maps we want something more creative like maybe a warehouse maybe a boat there are so many places where people can play paintball IRL so take that and put it in rec room Give us new paintball maps give us different guns like a grenade launcher how about a SMG give us different guns in paintballs and give us different Maps we're tired of the same maps and we're tired of the same guns if you give us new guns and paintball then guess what you'll have to make new skins for those guns which will make people want to truly get it it will make people want to grind for it
Tokens: tokens you have to grind for for a very long time for you to even get to like $3,000 tokens no matter if you play dodgeball paintball paddle ball Jumbotron doesn't matter what you play they will always either give you clothing or consumables get people tokens redo your system we shouldn't have to pay for rec room plus just to get a good amount of tokens when we're spending hours in the game actually allow people who do not want to waste money to be able to get tokens allow the kids to be able to get tokens so they can actually get something that they want
Moderator: you guys say that you have moderators that join paintball and the rec center yet I am online every single day for a very long time almost all day and I never see any type of moderators and if I do then they're horrible moderators getting upset because a bunch of people are spawning food for the entire rec center to eat it's very annoying and frustrating to see moderators that don't truly do their job or moderators that abuse their power if you want to make people moderators you need to make sure that they are good people you need to make sure that people from the actual record team or also moderating their moderators that way they can actually get it inside about what is happening
Display: When you guys came out with the Barbie's outfit You guys did a very horrible job You made their own little display and the rec center and you put it on the little board that is horrible If you really want people to truly buy it and really want it you guys should have displayed it better You should have made your own Barbie world Your own Barbie's room And then display the Barbie outfits That way people could have actually acknowledged the fact that it came out and wasn't just some cash outfit from you guys The same thing for the astronaut outfit that you guys came out with You guys displayed it and the rec center like it was nothing And then it went away what you should have done was created some type of space like room and then display that outfit that way people can see this is the new outfit but this is the room that becomes what the outfit You guys are not displaying The clothing that is new the right way You're just putting it in the rec center then you're putting it on a billboard and expect people to truly waste over 40,000 tokens for it that's not ever really going to happen anymore you guys need to display new items a lot better make your own rooms for these items if you know they're coming out start making the rooms for it make people interested in actually getting it don't just display it and the rec center on a board draw people in with it
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