New quest
I have an idea for a quest. It's a quest in space. I would call it "intergalactic travel" or something like that, anyways i thought of some enemys so I will list them off. An alien with a blaster, an alien spider that hangs from the ceiling and if you go under it and aren't fast enough it would get you down. Another enemy could be a Grey mosquito fly looking thing that had a red gland under its body, and it would hit the ground to make an explosion and if if exploded on you it would down you. One more enemy could be an alien ant that would down and take a random team mate in your team and walk randomly and the only way you could kill it is if it walks under a spider or a mosquito gets to it. The last enemy is an alien that holds a string that is coming from a spider, and if you get too close the spider would lunge at you. I didnt come up with any more enemy's or names for the enemies anyways bye
I really yapped into oblivion
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