Change the way revives work on Screenmode
Sceenmode players have an area in where they are unable to use object that have an action such as bows, swords, wands, crossbows when in range of a downed player. Along with inmobility while reviving, I might understand timed the mobility issue while doing a handshake revive but for games like Golden Trophy or Jumbotron that have a high five revive is a obstacle especially when there are enemies near and you are unable to use weapons and happen to trigger the animation while in defense and die due to it.
I spoke with one of the devs, as I have had issues using weapons near a downed player for over 8 months -- I raised a ticket for this. I know this affects ps, pc, and Xbox users. My contact believes this is related to the dodgeball fix where throwing a dodgeball wound hit their own body.
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